Courtney's Digital Portfolio

Practicing Well Being

Well-being is one of my favorite topics, because no one can take care of you better than you can. I’ve always been the person to take time for myself and spend time alone, because it cultivates good mental health. However, before becoming a leadership consultant I never fully understood how leadership and well-being went hand in hand. I have always lived by the motto, ‘you have to best the best you, so that you can be the best you for someone else.’ In essence, you have to live a happy and healthy life, so that others you impact live a happy and healthy life. It affects those surrounding you when you are not your true self. Others pick up on that energy and are affected by it.

This year, being one of the hardest of my college career, I have intensified my well-being and adapted it to include balance. Juggling 18 credits and 3 full-time jobs was extremely difficult for me in the beginning, but by utilizing my meditation and yoga techniques I became a more balanced individual. The balance was also better when it came to my leadership style. The things that I have endured this past year have helped develop my leadership style and me as a person. Because I was so busy this past year, it didn’t allow too much time for reflection and I felt like i was going through the motions of life without actually living it. It wasn’t until I decided to out myself and my well-being first that I truly began to live my life with zest and courage. I now know when I can say no to things, and when to stand up and say yes.