Courtney's Digital Portfolio

Adapting to Change and thinking creatively

I will never understand how I did not get adaptable as one of my top five strengths on strengthsfinder. Throughout my life I have adopted a go with the flow attitude, and because of that, it has made me more adaptable to change and adaptable to any environment. When I am not at LEAD, I am at my other two jobs at the Admissions Office and at Altar’d State. Being apart of these three very different environments has allowed me to adapt to each in my own way.

I am not one of the people who can plan something out and stick to my plan. Being an Orange, I am very impulsive and easygoing. I find that my best decisions and plans come about from being impulsive and making an on the fly decision. That is the way I have chosen to live my life. That is not to say that I cannot be organized when the time comes, it simply means that better product comes when I am happy and carefree.

One of the things I have tried to accomplish while being at LEAD is my organization. Because others on my team were so organized, I often felt that I was forced to act that way as well. This ended up hindering my creative processes, and I quickly learned that I could not do what everyone else did, and I had to go at my own pace.